Webhook Examples

During the match, we're sending updates to webhooks at certain events: After every round, match-end, and when someone gets kicked. See below for some examples of how this can look.

Match End (webhooks.match_end_url)

Here is an example webhook of a match ending 13-7, sent immediately after the match ends. The only difference from the round_end webhook is the "finished" parameter flipping from false to true.

    "id": "6502a8923d1c32e7d4d7f760",
    "game_server_id": "6503b7832e1d23f8c5c6f762",
    "team1": {
      "name": "Ninjas in Pyjamas",
      "flag": "SE",
      "stats": {
        "score": 13
    "team2": {
      "name": "Astralis",
      "flag": "DK",
      "stats": {
        "score": 7
    "players": [
        "match_id": "6502a8923d1c32e7d4d7f760",
        "steam_id_64": "76561198234907126",
        "team": "team1",
        "nickname_override": "Player One",
        "connected": true,
        "kicked": false,
        "stats": {
          "kills": 24,
          "assists": 2,
          "deaths": 12,
          "mvps": 6,
          "score": 54,
          "2ks": 3,
          "3ks": 1,
          "4ks": 0,
          "5ks": 1,
          "kills_with_headshot": 14,
          "kills_with_pistol": 3,
          "kills_with_sniper": 5,
          "damage_dealt": 2454,
          "flashes_thrown": 29,
          "flashes_successful": 12,
          "flashes_enemies_blinded": 17,
          "utility_thrown": 15,
          "utility_damage": 327,
          "entry_attempts": 12,
          "entry_successes": 7,
          "1vX_attempts": 5,
          "1vX_wins": 2
    "settings": {
      "map": "de_mirage",
      "password": null,
      "connect_time": 300,
      "match_begin_countdown": 30,
      "team_size": null,
      "wait_for_gotv": false,
      "enable_plugin": true,
      "enable_tech_pause": true
    "webhooks": {
      "match_end_url": "https://webhook.site/123",
      "round_end_url": "https://webhook.site/124",
      "player_votekick_success_url": "https://webhook.site/125",
      "authorization_header": ""
    "rounds_played": 20,
    "finished": true,
    "cancel_reason": null

Round End (webhooks.round_end_url)

Here is an example webhook of how it can look after 5 rounds played:

    "id": "6502a8923d1c32e7d4d7f760",
    "game_server_id": "6503b7832e1d23f8c5c6f762",
    "team1": {
      "name": "Ninjas in Pyjamas",
      "flag": "SE",
      "stats": {
        "score": 3
    "team2": {
      "name": "Astralis",
      "flag": "DK",
      "stats": {
        "score": 2
    "players": [
        "match_id": "6502a8923d1c32e7d4d7f760",
        "steam_id_64": "76561198234907126",
        "team": "team1",
        "nickname_override": "Player One",
        "connected": true,
        "kicked": false,
        "stats": {
          "kills": 7,
          "assists": 2,
          "deaths": 3,
          "mvps": 2,
          "score": 17,
          "2ks": 1,
          "3ks": 0,
          "4ks": 0,
          "5ks": 0,
          "kills_with_headshot": 4,
          "kills_with_pistol": 1,
          "kills_with_sniper": 1,
          "damage_dealt": 854,
          "flashes_thrown": 12,
          "flashes_successful": 2,
          "flashes_enemies_blinded": 3,
          "utility_thrown": 2,
          "utility_damage": 134,
          "entry_attempts": 2,
          "entry_successes": 2,
          "1vX_attempts": 1,
          "1vX_wins": 0
    "settings": {
      "map": "de_mirage",
      "password": null,
      "connect_time": 300,
      "match_begin_countdown": 30,
      "team_size": null,
      "wait_for_gotv": false,
      "enable_plugin": true,
      "enable_tech_pause": true
    "webhooks": {
      "match_end_url": "https://webhook.site/123",
      "round_end_url": "https://webhook.site/124",
      "player_votekick_success_url": "https://webhook.site/125",
      "authorization_header": ""
    "rounds_played": 5,
    "finished": false,
    "cancel_reason": null

Player Votekick Success (webhooks.player_votekick_success_url)

Here is an example webhook sent immediately after a player is kicked:

    "match_id": "6502a8923d1c32e7d4d7f760",
    "steam_id_64": "76561198234907126",
    "team": "team1",
    "nickname_override": "Player One",
    "connected": false,
    "kicked": true,
    "stats": {
      "kills": 7,
      "assists": 2,
      "deaths": 3,
      "mvps": 2,
      "score": 17,
      "2ks": 1,
      "3ks": 0,
      "4ks": 0,
      "5ks": 0,
      "kills_with_headshot": 4,
      "kills_with_pistol": 1,
      "kills_with_sniper": 1,
      "damage_dealt": 854,
      "flashes_thrown": 12,
      "flashes_successful": 2,
      "flashes_enemies_blinded": 3,
      "utility_thrown": 2,
      "utility_damage": 134,
      "entry_attempts": 2,
      "entry_successes": 2,
      "1vX_attempts": 1,
      "1vX_wins": 0